Monday, September 17, 2007

I Want To Be An Organic Fruit!

As I was fixing one of my favorite snacks of Almond Butter and a chilled sliced Red Apple, I thought wow, this apple looks pretty pathetic. It was not shiny, actually it was kind of dull, it was not shapely, just kind of round, it was, simply put, nothing special. The kind of thing you would look at and not even notice. The only thing remarkable about it was that it was organic. I'm one of those funny people who if I eat the skin of the fruit or veggie, it's got to be organic.

Anyways, while I was slicing this apple my mind drifted off to the beautiful red delicious apples I saw at the grocery store today. Now those were some apples you would remember. Shapely, shiny, special looking. Knowing what I know now about those types of fruits and veggies, I pass up those beautiful fruits for the not so exciting ones, the organic. The ones that I know are healthier for me and my body. The ones without the artificial shine of wax that should be washed off before eaten. The ones that are all natural, raised with no pesticides or growth hormones that can in turn effect me.

It's while I was slicing this not so beautiful apple, I realized I want to be an organic fruit. I want to be a person who you don't need to wash the wax off to get to know me. I want to be a person who is natural and good for you. That organic fruit that what you see is what you get.
I don't think I want to be that person who is all "waxed" up looking good, all the time wondering "who am I really?". What am I really like on the inside once you wash all that "wax" off me. Am I good for you or am I going to bring you down with my bad habits of pesticides and artificial hormones?

Nope, I think I wanna be an organic fruit. I would rather be remembered as beautiful on the inside than beautiful on the outside.

1 comment:

Angel said...

Ooooh! This is good, Carol!