Thursday, September 27, 2007


I was asked today if I had any regrets about my life. My first reaction and response was "no". I said no because with each and every mistake I made it formed me into the person I am today. While some of the things I did may have be hurtful to me or others, I do not regret them. I may have asked for forgiveness, but I don't have regret because I would like to believe I learned from each and every one of those mistakes. I honestly would not change a single thing about my life, not one struggle or one joy!

Now that I have thought a little bit more about the question, while all the above still holds true, I do have some regrets. I regret not taking better care of myself when I was younger. I wish I had eaten better, slept more, exercised more and stayed out of the sun, or at least wore proper sunscreen. I say this because when I look in the mirror I see the direct results of the improper care of my body. I see sun damage on my face and body and scars from "pre-cancerous" moles being removed. I see loose skin on my body from being overweight for a period of time and neglecting to exercise and eat right. While I have undone some of the damage, I do have reminders that can't be erased (wrinkles, sun spots, loose skin, etc.). All I can do is share my knowledge with others, especially my children, and pray they listen, especially about proper sun exposure.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

To Keep the Body in Good Health is a Duty....

"To keep the body in good health is a duty....otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear"

For the past 5 years keeping my body in good health has been a pleasure. Yes, I enjoy sweating and pushing my body until is screams for mercy. I enjoy the tightness when I wake up the next morning after a especially hard workout. I enjoy leaving a trail of sweat on the gym floor or the pavement as I run. I enjoy being a sweaty mess most of the day. I enjoy eating healthy, although I struggle with this on a daily, if not hourly basis. I still struggle with turning to God for comfort or praise for a good job done, not food.

I never thought of keeping my body in good health as a duty. But, it really is a duty. God gave us these wonderful working bodies. Do we abuse this wonderful house/body that God gave us by not building it strong and healthy inside and out? Do we let this house sit on a shaky foundation of fat or do we build that foundation with strong muscles and hearts? Do we fill the house with junk food made by man or do we fill it with the goodness that God has grown for us?

If my house/body is clean and strong, I do find that my mind works better and I think clearer. I am a happier person, knowing that I am building a strong and sound body/house for God to do His work through. I find after a good workout, I have the energy to keep me going through the day. If I eat clean through the day, I don't feel tired and sluggish, I feel energized to do God's work and understand His word as I read His book.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

It's Not The Hill That's Difficult

As I was running on Thursday night I approached "the dreaded hill". Now, I live in Florida so it's really not much of a hill at all, but it is still an incline that I must get up. As I got closer, it hit me. It's not that the hill is difficult, it's just that the flat road is easy. I realized that after I got up that hill and the road leveled off, I not only appreciated the flat road all the more, but I found it easier.

Just changing my way of thinking about it, made a difference in how I approached "the hill" on the return. I actually looked forward to the hill. Knowing my quads, hamstrings and glutes would burn on the way up, I also knew that the burn would stop once the road leveled off and my legs would feel stronger and my run would be easier.

I'm now trying to apply this thinking to the other areas of my life. It's not the hill that's difficult, the flat road is just easy.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Strong, Sexy and Sweaty

Strong, Sexy and Sweaty is how I felt at the gym yesterday. I lifted the old fashion way. No stability ball, no bands, no Bosu, just me and the free weights. I know you get a more effective work out using the other equipment, but it just felt so good to lift heavy and to utter exhaustion. You know the feeling, it burns and you feel like you can't even lift your arms or walk properly by time you are done.

I felt so confident on the floor, surrounded by big muscle men. I felt confident because I knew exactly what to do and how to do it with proper form. There was no wobbling on the stability ball or balancing on the Bosu, just me with my feet firmly planted on the floor. I know my core didn't get it's work by not using that valuable equipment, but my chest, back and legs are so sore in such a good way today.

The strong feeling came from being able to lift heavy, no 5 pound dumbbells for biceps, no squats with only 45 lbs, no chest press with just the bar, bring on the heavy. I guess the sexy feeling comes from confidence and a sense of accomplishment. I gave myself a good workout, I pushed myself to the limit and I did it with proper form. The sweaty feeling well, we all know where that came from...hard work!

Now excuse me while I go try to find some Ben Gay for my chest! HAHAHA

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

More Thoughts On Organic Fruits

Well, as I was sweating on the bike at the gym today my mind drifted back to Organic Fruits. As some of you know, I've gone from 195 lbs. 5 years ago to 120 (pre Jake) to the 135 I am right now. I did this with no "diet aids" (no fertilizer). I did this by eating healthy and a lot of sweat and time at the gym.

While I know pride is a sin, I say this with pride "I did it on my own". I did not pollute my body with chemicals disguised as "diet aids", I did not eat pre-packaged foods. I ate healthy meal and snacks and watched my portions (OK and a bit of junk food here and there).

Why I do this, is not for vanity, being the shiny, tempting apple is not my thing. I do this to be healthy, to look good on the inside. I take time away from my daily living with my family so I can be here longer for them. I've lost both my mom and oldest sister to sudden heart attacks. If I can save my family from that pain by taking an hour or two at the gym a day, I will.

Monday, September 17, 2007

I Want To Be An Organic Fruit!

As I was fixing one of my favorite snacks of Almond Butter and a chilled sliced Red Apple, I thought wow, this apple looks pretty pathetic. It was not shiny, actually it was kind of dull, it was not shapely, just kind of round, it was, simply put, nothing special. The kind of thing you would look at and not even notice. The only thing remarkable about it was that it was organic. I'm one of those funny people who if I eat the skin of the fruit or veggie, it's got to be organic.

Anyways, while I was slicing this apple my mind drifted off to the beautiful red delicious apples I saw at the grocery store today. Now those were some apples you would remember. Shapely, shiny, special looking. Knowing what I know now about those types of fruits and veggies, I pass up those beautiful fruits for the not so exciting ones, the organic. The ones that I know are healthier for me and my body. The ones without the artificial shine of wax that should be washed off before eaten. The ones that are all natural, raised with no pesticides or growth hormones that can in turn effect me.

It's while I was slicing this not so beautiful apple, I realized I want to be an organic fruit. I want to be a person who you don't need to wash the wax off to get to know me. I want to be a person who is natural and good for you. That organic fruit that what you see is what you get.
I don't think I want to be that person who is all "waxed" up looking good, all the time wondering "who am I really?". What am I really like on the inside once you wash all that "wax" off me. Am I good for you or am I going to bring you down with my bad habits of pesticides and artificial hormones?

Nope, I think I wanna be an organic fruit. I would rather be remembered as beautiful on the inside than beautiful on the outside.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Important To Me and About Me

As I was sweating at the gym today I pondered about what to put under the "About Me" section here. It hit me that what I see is important about me is not what other people may see as important about me or even information they find interesting or useful. I say this because last week my daughter was asked to write an autobiography for her Language Arts class. Not a big deal right? Just give some highlights about yourself. Well, after about 2 hours in her room she comes out and says "here it is, wanna proofread it for me?". As I'm reading I'm thinking she didn't put where she was born, she didn't put her birthday, all things I thought were vital to an autobiography. I started to take out my pencil and make corrections, then stopped myself. She put what was important to HER. The birth of her baby brother and the fact that he was born at the same hospital as her and my other son, the fact that she got to hold him first, that fact that the family are Red Sox fans, the fact that her brother plays baseball and she swims and plays tennis, while wishing she could play baseball like her brother and some day play for the Red Sox. The fact that someday she would like to swim for the USA Olympic Team and take home the gold for her country. She said she wanted to go to the same college as her mom and dad did because they have an excellent marine biology program. These were the things that were important to HER, that I would of never known if I had told her what I thought was important. So while my "About Me" section may stay blank for awhile, know I am thinking what is really important about me, not age, marital status, race, etc..., but what is really important TO ME and important ABOUT ME.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

My First Blog

Since this is my first blog, let me tell you a little (OK, a lot) about myself. I'm 41. I say that without hesitation because I enjoy my age. I'm in the best athletic shape I have ever been in. I may not have the same body I had at 18, but I can do anything that 18 year old could do, but do it better and faster and a little wiser.

I've been married for 19 years. Yes, 19 years. It seems to be a record these days. I can honestly say I'm happily married. I can't say we have never disagreed, but when we have we have always came out as a stronger couple because of it.

I have 3 children. Jake who will be 2 soon. I call him my mid-life crisis. It was either a baby or a sports car. Needless to say I'm still driving the SUV. I can say he is truly a blessing. Dalton is the middle child at 9. He is the smart one and loves to play baseball. His ambition is to play for the Red Sox and make millions of dollars. Delaney is the oldest at 11. She is the social butterfly of the family.

My obsession is my exercise. You name it, I do it. I may not do it well, but I do it. I run, well let me rephrase that, I try to run. I lift weights and bike. I'll try just about anything else. Most of my blogs will revolve around exercise and the kids.

Read on and enjoy.