Tuesday, September 18, 2007

More Thoughts On Organic Fruits

Well, as I was sweating on the bike at the gym today my mind drifted back to Organic Fruits. As some of you know, I've gone from 195 lbs. 5 years ago to 120 (pre Jake) to the 135 I am right now. I did this with no "diet aids" (no fertilizer). I did this by eating healthy and a lot of sweat and time at the gym.

While I know pride is a sin, I say this with pride "I did it on my own". I did not pollute my body with chemicals disguised as "diet aids", I did not eat pre-packaged foods. I ate healthy meal and snacks and watched my portions (OK and a bit of junk food here and there).

Why I do this, is not for vanity, being the shiny, tempting apple is not my thing. I do this to be healthy, to look good on the inside. I take time away from my daily living with my family so I can be here longer for them. I've lost both my mom and oldest sister to sudden heart attacks. If I can save my family from that pain by taking an hour or two at the gym a day, I will.

1 comment:

Angel said...

Carol, you know you're my role model! (((hugs)) You need to post that pic of you you had in your siggy on PW! :D