Separation anxiety, you ask. No, not at all. He was mad because I threw away his scrambled eggs from McDonald's.
See I had left the house early because of traffic and didn't want him to be late for his first day of school. I figured since we had about 20 minutes we could have a little breakfast at McDonald's by the school. I should of known when I pulled in the parking lot it was a mistake. From the back seat I hear...."no Donald's, Jakey school". I say "ok, we will just go to the school" and pull away. Then I hear from the back set "ok, mum mum donald's". After a heavy duty eye roll on my part I pull the car back into the parking spot. Go inside and order a side of eggs and a small drink. Go to sit down, it's a no go with a loud scream from Jake. I quickly pack everything up and we head to the car. All the time I'm wondering "just who is in charge here". Obvious answer, the one with the louder scream, Jake.
We get to the school and find a great spot to picnic with our eggs.

We talk about school and his teachers and friends and all about the fun things he is going to do. As soon as we got to talk about play ground time he was ready to pack up his eggs and go to school.
We make a pit stop by the bathroom to wash our hands and go potty. Potty was a big no go because the water was blue. Instead I just change his diaper. After washing hands I explain to Jake it is time to throw away our eggs. That was greeted with a very loud "NO, THROW JAKEY'S EGGYS AWAY". I explained with pained patience that he could not bring food into the classroom and that they would have a great snack. After some prodding the eggs went into the trash.
We get to the class and after some confusion on my part about what goes where, trying to be the good parent and not linger. I snap a quick picture.

I say my good byes and head to the door. After about all of 2 seconds the screaming starts. First it's for me, then it turns to "I want my eggs". I wait about 10 minutes with other anxious parents, making small talk about separation anxiety, other children, etc. After about 15 minutes the other parents begin to leave with pity in their eyes for me.
After deciding that making a quick exit was not the best plan, I went to get the director, figuring the teachers needed a little help at this point. She went in, came out, gave me "a look", and went back in. Gheesh, I felt all of 2 feet tall at this point. When she came back out again she said "let's have a seat and talk about your little guy". Oh, boy. One little boy had locked himself in the bathroom because Jake was crying so hard he was scaring him and he had some other children pretty upset too. We decided it was best for Jake to leave for the day.
The director goes back in and brings Jake out to me. Not a tear in that child's eye. He just didn't want to be there and was mad because I threw away his eggs. As we walked out the door his class was nice and quiet singing "Itsy Bitsy Spider", Jake gave me a big hug and said "thank you mum mum, Jakey's school's all done, we go Y now?". Gotta love that kid.